Cash boost helps danish people with disabilities get into sport

Applicant: Parasport Danmark
Location: Denmark, Copenhagen

Headquartered in Denmark, TITAN has supported a number of the country’s disability charities over the years. Most recently, we were delighted to provide a cash injection to Parasport Denmark – an organisation dedicated to helping people with disabilities enjoy sport, sometimes for the very first time.

For many people with a disability, the idea of trying out a new sport can be daunting. It can be challenging to know where to begin, especially when the majority of clubs primarily cater to able-bodied participants.

Parasport Denmark sets out to change the rules by making sport accessible for everyone. Driven by the belief that participating in sports can improve happiness, the association has become the umbrella organisation for all disabled sports in Denmark. It campaigns tirelessly to make access to sports as easy as possible.


Like TITAN Impact, Parasport Denmark is passionate about enriching local communities. It aims to give everyone with a disability the chance to play sports, exercise and compete.

It promotes:

  • Sharing knowledge about disability sports among people with disabilities and their families, clubs, associations and local government.
  • Offering attractive and easily accessible sports environments for anyone with a disability or a special need.
  • Open dialogue, communication and cooperation.

To fulfil its mission, Parasport Denmark partners with the DIF (Danish Sports Federation) and other leading bodies, with whom it works to have a positive impact on Danish sport and society.

The organisation also promotes and assists Danish athletes with disabilities internationally. At a governmental level, it lobbies for better conditions and facilities for disabled athletes who want to participate in sports of any kind.


TITAN Impact backs organisations and initiatives that focus on one or more of six key areas that we like to support. Among these are health/wellness, sports, and community development.

Parasport Denmark’s work is an obvious match. And the timing for us to back this important organisation couldn’t have been better! The country’s Paralympian team has just enjoyed its biggest success in 20 years, returning from Paris with 10 medals.

We wanted to acknowledge the incredible part Parasport Denmark played in the success of the games, and we are proud to support their ongoing mission of promoting sport for all.


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