TITAN has used shipping containers to buy all over the UK – perfect for storage, transporting goods or your next DIY conversion project. Genuine bargains regularly available!
TITAN has used shipping containers to buy all over the UK – perfect for storage, transporting goods or your next DIY conversion project. Genuine bargains regularly available!
Interested in buying used containers for your workplace or home? TITAN UK has you covered. We have one of the largest selections of 2nd hand containers available for sale in the UK.
People choose us because:
1/ We actually own the stock we sell: we don’t take your order and then try and source the container.
2/ We have been in the shipping container business for more than 35 years and have thousands of models in stock.
3/ We have a friendly used container sales team who will help you find exactly what you need.
4/ We offer fast UK-wide delivery. And we can keep delivery costs down thanks to our network of well-stocked 20+ depots.
5/ Our prices are hard to beat.
When buying a second-hand container from TITAN, the key thing you should know is that you will be getting a genuine shipping container that was built to transport goods all over the world.
That means it is rock solid – unlike some containers that other companies sell as storage containers.
We have used shipping containers for sale in 6ft, 8ft, 9ft, 10ft, 20ft and 40ft sizes. However, our biggest stocks by far are of 20-footers and 40ft containers.
You'll find it hard to fault our premium quality containers. They're delivered in a "like new" state and have been used for storage purposes only. Scuffs and marks will be minimal or non-existent.
The second-best container grade covers the next 10-15% of our used models. They're not quite as appealing as a premium quality container, but they are cosmetically sound and should last many years.
Your typical, average-quality used container. Likely to have been made at least 15 years ago, these still have years of use left in them and can often be brought back to their former glory with some TLC.
This is the domain of the cheap used container – our bottom 10-15% of stock in terms of quality. Most are still fully functional, and while their condition is poor they are still the right choice for some buyers.
Brand-new shipping containers are perfect when money is no object or your container will be on show. If it’s right outside head office, you probably want your container to look great and represent your brand.
Often, however, containers are tucked away, out of sight. In these instances, their visual appeal becomes less important. Used, cost effective containers are also popular when clients are on a tight budget or if they don’t mind a heavily-used container because they plan on customising it.
Used container buyers include:
Whether you’re looking for cheap used containers for sale or something in nearly-new condition, we can help.
A shipping container’s CSC plate contains its unique identity number and other important details about its life history. They aren’t necessary on lower-quality containers that were created expressly for the purposes of storage. Nor are they always required for containers of 10ft or smaller.
TITAN only sells genuine shipping containers – whether their intended use is for transportation on international shipping lines or for the storage of personal possessions or business goods. For that reason, all the 20ft and 40ft containers we sell for shipping have a valid CSC plate – as do many of those sold for storage.
In many ways, it’s a seal of approval – even on older containers – that certifies it was built to international ISO standards for shipping. That means even our C-grade containers, which may have some surface rust, have good few years use in them yet.
We regularly have high-quality, second-hand shipping containers and other stock items ready to go at rock-bottom prices across the UK. Check out our latest special offers now!
Our 20+ strategically placed locations across the UK and Ireland mean that we’re only ever a short drive away – which keeps delivery costs down. With depots in London, Birmingham, Glasgow and everywhere in between, your shipping container, portable office or cold storage solution will be on site in no time.
We value your business and are here to provide quick and hassle-free support for any inquiries or concerns. Get in touch with us by phone for immediate live assistance – or send us an email. We’ll get back to you as soon as we can.